Collage 1946-1949
2014-10-07 - 2014-11-21

For Marian Warzecha, who took up collage in the late 1940s (N.B. after the end of the Second World War), it was a natural way to express his attitude to the world around him. Youthful rebellion towards the set customs and ways of thinking, more importantly the current forms of
artistic expression and the accepted language within the contemporary environment of Krakow artists all pushed him towards further experimentation. His quest found its form in the shape of precisely composed collages. These were works created for his own use, unconstrained by the pressure of the environment.
Warzecha often stresses that the work he produced from 1946 to 1949 was an experiment with Cubism, or to be more precise with more categorical Formism, if talking about the principle applied. Yet he did not stop at purely structural issues. As Warzecha stresses in these early
experiments with the language of artistic expression, his aim was to present harmonised material. At other times his work considered the theme of space, its division and what caused one particular plane to be construed as closer, and another as further away. The aim was to achieve a space that is not defined in terms of the rest. In other words he aspired to make the connections between each of the elements unsteady, so that their relationship to each other, but also to the entire
composition should be disturbed – he did not convey reality or the laws that apply to it. A fault in space and its illogicality were the values he sought.